Dear Santa (12-22-08)

After reading the “tongue-in-cheek” letters to Santa Claus written by our Hill City Eighth Grade students (my daughter included), I decided to try my own hand at writing the great Elf.

Dear Santa,

I know, good sir, that you are swamped this time of year, and I hope you have time to read my letter. I know a lot of people want a lot of things, and that you are only guy. I don’t expect a miracle…that is not your department, after all!

But you do seem capable of a little magic, and it seems like magic is running in short supply these days.

First, what I want for Christmas is a better attitude. That’s right, Santa, I need to have a better attitude for 2009. Mostly, I do okay. I usually remain calm, and am able to be positive. However, I am not perfect, and more often than I would like to admit, I have felt my temper rise and my attitude sink. So do you think you could conjure up a better attitude for me? Something in an extra-large, so that I can include anyone I meet who might also need an attitude adjustment. Oh, and make it in our school colors!

Second, I was wondering if you could send a kid or two or twenty to Hill City, Kansas. Twenty would be nice to make up for the short fall our school district experienced this year. You see, Santa, we have this really awesome school district. We have wise and caring teachers, amazing support staff, and just about the cleanest buildings and classrooms a kid could want. We just need more kids to give the world’s best education.

We have little in the way of the bad stuff you’d find in some other schools. There are no metal detectors, cameras, or armed guards - only great staff, wonderful cafeteria food served twice a day, and first-rate facilities.

Except for the fact that our buildings are getting a bit long in the tooth. You don’t by chance have a bunch of money is that sleigh of yours? No? I understand.

But that leads me to my last request. You see Santa, all across this great country of ours, lots of lots of people have lost their jobs. The economy has gone south, which explains a lot about sagging attitudes and sagging enrollment numbers. What we need, Santa, is a great big dose of hope. People need to believe that things are going to turn around. Those who have need to lend a hand to those who have not, and we need jobs to put people back to work, both around the country, and right here in good ol’ HC.

That’s why I’m writing you, Santa. You ARE the man when it comes to spreading hope and generosity. You are practically the father of the phrase, “Peace on Earth and Good Will Towards All.”

I know you can do it. Just fly around on that sleigh of yours, flash those beautiful pearly whites, and let loose with few inspiring Ho! Ho! Ho!’s. Make us merry and joyous, and fill us with an extra-large dose of your holiday spirit.

Because, you see, Santa, we’re going to need it long after you head back to the north pole. We’re going to need to remember the “good will towards all” part each and every day from this Christmas to the next. We cannot forget to hope and we cannot fall into despair. We’re counting on you, Jolly ol’ St. Nick. Give us a reason to smile and maybe we will give others a reason to smile all the year through.

I know I am asking a lot. I believe that now is the time to dream big, and we can’t get much bigger than you.

Oh, wait, I guess we can get bigger. You’re just the spreader of good will. There’s someone else we should turn to when we need a miracle.

Yours in the Magic of Christmas,

Bill Goodwin

P.S. If you ever need to open a southerly distribution center for all the toys, I strongly suggest the centrally located and very reasonably priced Hill City. We are an elf-friendly town and an elf-child friendly school. Just remember to leave the reindeer at home during hunting season!

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