Lost Screwdrivers (06-23-08)

Have you ever wondered if the forces of the universe occasionally (or perhaps more than occasionally) are trying teach you a lesson?

For the last few weeks, I have been steeped in our Hill City Extreme School Make-Over. I used to think I was mildly competent when it came to remodeling projects, having successfully completed some small projects around the house. I thought, for instance, I knew how to hang a suspended ceiling, or how to wire in lights.

Oh, how the mighty do fall. Working at the school has knocked me down a peg or three, and while I am eventually able to be successful, it is only after a lot of failure. Luckily, I’ve also received a lot of advice from people who actually know what they are talking about when it comes to commercial construction projects.

So, now it is my turn to learn. For example, I have been learning (and slowly succeeding) to wire the new energy efficient “trougher” lights in the remodeled classrooms. In doing this, I learned the difference between residential and commercial construction. At home, I would use pre-bundled double insulated wire, whereas at school I run single strand insulated wire through a series of junction boxes and electrical conduit. This involves a lot more steps and effort, all performed twelve to fourteen feet in air, far above the ceiling I just hung. At home, I could stand on a chair. At school, I am up and down step ladders and scaffolding, keeping safety in mind at all times.

Perhaps the biggest lesson I have learned is that when you work above a suspended ceiling, you have infinitely more places in which to lose your tools. You wouldn’t think a person would have such a hard time keeping track of things, but then again you probably have never met a person quite like me. I can lose a pen or a pair of sunglasses in less time than it takes to write just how fast I can misplace things. So a screwdriver stands no chance.

In the last day and a half, I have probably lost the same flat-headed screwdriver half-a dozen times. The last time I misplaced it, I looked everywhere - above the ceiling, on the floor, on the windowsill, under pieces of scrap and debris. I even checked the bathroom and several trash-cans.

Finally I conceded defeat and got another screwdriver from the grade school workshop, down in the basement. After I walked there and back, climbed the ladder yet again to get to the junction box on which I needed to attach a cover, there it was! Sitting innocently on top of a piece of ceiling tile was my original screw driver.

I swear (boy did I swear) that I looked at that very spot at least twice in my search. In fact, I have made a point to always check above the ceiling before I check anywhere, as I always seem to be leaving something up there. (One day, I expect to find my pen, my sunglasses, my umbrella and my lunch sitting on top of the ceiling!)

I have a sneaky suspicion that the forces of the universe must have it out for me. Someone, somewhere, just thinks it pretty darn funny to play hide the screwdriver with Bill Goodwin.

Or maybe this is just life’s way of teaching me a lesson. Maybe it is time I learn how to not to lose my tools in order to not lose my sanity.

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